Is Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Vegan?

Is Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Vegan

Most Ghirardelli dark chocolates contain milk derivatives, making them unsuitable for the vegan diet. However, there is a black sheep among their line of dark chocolates — the 72% Cacao Twilight Delight Bar. Yes, it’s entirely vegan!

Ingredients in this bar include: unsweetened chocolate, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla, and soy lecithin. Although it states that it may contain milk and tree nuts, this is an allergen statement; these ingredients are not used in the production of the bar. It simply means that the bar was produced on the same equipment as milk and nut-containing products, which could cause an allergic reaction in some people. If this is concerning to you, you’ll want to avoid this product.

For more mainstream, affordable vegan dark chocolate bars, head over to this article! And if you’re interested in learning more about the vegan stance on chocolate in general, you’ll likely find this guide to ethical vegan chocolates interesting.

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Patricia Maroday

Hi I'm Patricia. Certified vegan lifestyle Coach. I’m here to help you eat more plants, discover ethical products, help the planet and feel amazing!


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